Call Kristen Browde: 914 266-9222


The New York Courts and COVID

As of the March 2022 the Supreme and Family Courts in Westchester, Putnam and New York’s five boroughs are continuing to use virtual appearances for most purposes, in an attempt to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

Once again all cases are moving forward and new cases of all types can be initiated, and in some ways the experience of the pandemic has actually made the New York Courts more efficient. Systems have been implemented that allow for electronic filing in most matters in Supreme Court and all matters in Family Court.

And for some purposes, such as Settlement Conferences and Trials, the Courts are returning, selectively, to in person hearings, just as things were before the pandemic. Also, the Appellate Courts are returning to in person oral argument.

Whether virtual or in person court work is required, our office remains ready to help with your legal needs, and, for the safety of all, our staff is both fully vaccinated and boosted. Call 914-266-9222 for your free virtual or telephone consultation!


Call Kristen Browde: 914 266-9222